Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Heels up sugar down.

All of the 600 muscles combined normally contribute only about 15% of the whole-body oxidative metabolism in the three hours after ingesting carbohydrate. Despite the fact that the soleus is only 1% the body weight, it is capable of raising its metabolic rate during Soleus push up’s  contractions to easily double, even sometimes triple, the whole-body carbohydrate oxidation and reduce blood sugar, triglycerides and VLDL.

Soleus does not use glucagon uses blood glucose directly from the blood. Soleus does not get tired easily.

52% reduction in blood sugar

60% less insulin requirement

Solids use glucose from the blood and doesn’t use the glucagon as other muscles.

Soles push up increases that by two or three times the metabolic rate of the whole body.

A University of Houston Texas paper published 2022.

Solis push-ups

Reducing blood sugar by 52% .

Reducing insulin requirement by 60%.

You can move this muscle while sitting, watching TV sitting in a chair or practically doing any other side entry activity

Continue seeing your doctors and  endocrinologists. Do A1c periodically and keep checking the blood sugar. Forward this to your friend read the article, and I am placing links  to the article and read it.

Soleus muscle could raise local oxidative metabolism to high levels for hours without fatigue, during soleus push-ups even in unfit volunteers.







Sitting exercise to lose weight

Monday, February 27, 2023

שי סטרסיקו סדנה לתקשורת פרויקט ״הגיל השלישי בלב שלי״

 שי סטרסיקו וצוות מאמנים בתקשורת מציגים:סדנה לתקשורת בין אישית ויצירה במיוחד לגיל השלישי

במסגרת נסיוני  בעולם האימון כ-25 שנה נוכחתי לראות שככל שהעולם מתקדם טכנולוגי כך אנחנו כבני אדם יותר מתקשים ללמוד מה אפשרי לנו בתחומי החיים!

בעולם של היום ב-2023  הבינה המלאכותית נכנסה לחיינו ויצרה עולם חדש של אפשרויות והזדמנויות שלא היו בעבר

ויהיה נכון לומר שמקצועות רבים יעלמו 

ויחד עם זאת הזדמנויות חדשות יופיעו להתפתחות וליצירה

 לכן על מנת להגיע לרמה חדשה בחיים מומלץ לנו לעצור ולהתבונן בחיינו, להתמקד בתחומים שחשובים לנו

.וממש לצייר את המפה של חיינו

  בכל תחום לסמן לנו את המטרה הבאה ובעצם לעבור למצב של  יצירה במקום הישרדות שכולנו חווים בשלב כזה או אחר

להיות מעל הנסיבות ולנצח את החיים

גם אני חוויתי עליות וירידות בתחומים שונים וגיליתי שבעצם כדאי ללמוד לעצור בחיים ולפקס את המחשבות שלי למקום שמעצים אותי

להמנע ממחשבות שמורידות ומקטינות אותי ואת המטרות שלי

למרות הכל ולנצח במקומות שחסר לי מימוש עצמי

אחד מהדברים הבולטים הוא שבדרך כלל  יש לנו תמונה מסויימת על חיינו

ולא בהכרח התמונה הזו מתקיימת במציאות

המציאות יותר חזקה מהתמונה שיש לנו בראש

בכדי ליצור רמה חדשה של הצלחה בחיים לפי תחומים  וביחסים בפרט אנו נדרשים לעבוד לפי תוכנית שיצרנו

!שמדייקת את המטרות שלה ושמה דגש על הביטוי העצמי שלנו ועל הכיף לחיות חיים של יצירה לעומת חיים של הישרדות

יירשנו גישה לחיים שלא בהכרח משרתת את היצירתיות שלנו, הגישה שלנו יכולה ליצור נצחונות גדולים בחיים

!אך גם יכולה להשאיר אותנו במקום דומה ולגרום לנו להסתובב סביב הזנב ולא בהכרח לצמוח ולהתפתח

 עולם התקשורת הבין-אישית ״ דיבור והקשבה״ מאפשר כמעט כל דבר בחיים בתנאי שאנו יודעים לזהות את הגישה שלנו לאותו תחום בחיים מה כבר יש ? מה דעתינו בתחום ?

? ואיך אנחנו מרגישים לגבי זה

היופי בחיים שלנו הוא  שתמיד אנו יכולים ליצור גישה חדשה שתאפשר לנו יצירה חדשה

ואפילו תוצאה לא צפויה שתקפיץ אותנו לרמה חדשה של הגשמה בתחום ספציפי עצמו ובחיים בכלל

לכן יצרנו תוכנית ליצירה של עתיד שהוא מבוסס על בחירה ויצירה ולא בה ממקום של אין ברירה אלו החיים ואלו הקלפים שניתנו לי

נלמד על איך ליצור תמונה שיוצרת עתיד מעצים

נקבל תובנות לחיים שמבוססות על תקשורת בין אישית ובכלל בעולם

נלמד לעבוד עם כלים מיוחדים בתקשורת ובעזרת כלים דיגיטלים נגישים לכל אדם

ללא צורך בידע טכני או כישרון מיוחד

ניצור שיחה חדשה סוחפת ויצירתית שתאפשר קירבה חדשה עם הסובבים אותנו משפחה, חברים, מכרים ומעגלים סביבתיים מתוך הקהילה בה אנו חיים

ניצור יחד עבודת צוות יעילה

ותמיכה הדדית

זאת ועוד בסדנה של שי סטרסיקו  אימון בתקשורת ויצירת תמונה מנצחת לחיים

תוכלו למצוא בבלוג שלי 

וכאן | שי סטרסיקו 

שי סטרסיקו

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hiring talent by leading with culture

Everyone asks me what my secret is when it comes to keeping a stable staff; as they all seem to be operating in a constant revolving door of talent (and team members).  

Hiring isn’t easy. 

The time involved and overall process can be frustrating, painful, and overwhelming. Especially when you find yourself continually hiring for the same positions over and over again. 

Think about the time investment it takes to train new people.  Studies show that if you lose a trained “A” player on your team, the cost can be equivalent to 1 to 2.5X their annual salary…

What is the real opportunity cost for you and your business when you hire the wrong people or lose a key team member?

Here’s the good news... 

There are ways to avoid riding this carousel of constant turn-over. 

Here are a few of my secrets when it comes to hiring “A” players and building a high-performing team.

First things first. 

Where are the people you’re looking for? 

I’ve discovered the people you need most are not necessarily advertising themselves or looking for a new job. 

So instead of fishing in the same pond (blue ocean vs. the red ocean), and using the same fishing pole that everybody defaults to, try this simple and effective approach I’ve been using for years. 

I developed this strategy from the Dream 100 idea (just modified it to attract talent instead of clients)

Using LinkedIn, I ask my team to start looking for people who fit the criteria I’m looking for. 

They search profiles for certain people who live in particular areas, work for certain companies, and have the target job title I’m looking for. 

My team then compiles a potential target list of people they like or that look interesting that fall within that criteria I’ve outlined. Again, this list is compiled of people who aren’t looking for a job. 

We then send out a quick message to connect and once they connect, we send each person on the list the following message: 

“Hi, my name is David Asarnow. I'm the Founder and CEO of a marketing and sales empowerment agency called Business Nitrogen and I'm looking for a [insert job title]. Someone who possesses the [insert a few of the traits/skill sets/talents required for position]. 

I’m reaching out to see if you happen to know anyone who might be interested in a role like this. I ran across your profile and saw how many great connections you have within the industry. 

Please let me know if you happen to know anyone or can think of anyone that might be a right fit for this position I’m trying to fill. I would very much appreciate it, thank you!” 

Just guess what happens next… 

Many times people respond back with, “Tell me more about this position, as I actually might be interested.” 

See what I did there? We don't ask them directly. We ask them if they know anyone else that might be a right fit. 

If they aren’t interested, oftentimes people will reply back with potential candidates and referrals (which is also a winning step in the right direction). 

Some of the best talent comes from referrals. You never know where referrals can come from, so never be afraid to ask…

My next big secret is pretty simple, and it’s something anyone can do. 

I’m always looking for talent. No matter where I am, no matter who I meet I’m always thinking, “Would they be a right fit for Business Nitrogen?”

I’ll give you an example.  I was recently at an event, and met a contractor named Josh who happened to be there with one of his clients.  

I ended up having a few great conversations with Josh and on the last day I made a comment to him, “I like you, I can see how talented you are in this area. If you ever decide that you don't want to be a lone wolf anymore, and you’d like to be part of a team of superheroes let me know!”

He responded with, “I appreciate that, but I'm pretty happy with what I’m doing.” 

Ironically, a few months later I ran into Josh’s client at another event. One of those mornings we met for breakfast and he said, “You know Josh has brought you up more than a few times, and the comment you made to him. I think he may be interested in working for you.”  

I said, “Well, if that's truly the case, tell him to reach out to me, he has my contact info.” 

A few days later Josh reached out, and we ended up bringing him on board with us!

Again, it doesn’t matter where I am. My radar is always “ON”. I could be at a restaurant, an event, or a general store. If someone impresses me, or gives outstanding service, I ask myself, “Would they be a good fit within my company?” 

It probably helps a bit that I’m pretty spot on when it comes to identifying great talent, however, I always follow this golden rule 100% of the time. I’m sure you’ve even heard it before…

Hire slow, fire fast. 

Our hiring process is quite extensive. We put candidates through multiple interviews. They are given exercises to complete, and we also give them a culture index to take. 

For us the first interview is the most important. It's our culture fit interview. We do this one first because if a candidate is not aligned with our culture there is no need to go any further in the process. 

There are a lot of candidates out there that have all the right experience, and skill set or qualifications, but

 “Are they a great culture fit?”

When I add someone to my team, my hope is that this is the last job they ever have, and I convey that to them. 

Again, taking the time to hire someone to become part of your team pays dividends in the end, and most Entrepreneurs go about the process too impulsively and quickly simply because they want to get it over with.

 Another big secret I learned early on in my career that indirectly relates to good hiring practice is: 

Become the person everyone wants to work for!

The truth is, we all have things that happen in our life.  In order to grow as human beings, some of the hard questions we really must ask ourselves are,

       “Where’s the lesson in this?” 


  “Am I going to learn from those lessons and improve as a human or not?” 

Many years ago when I first started this new division in a manufacturing company I was working for, I remember going to a conference with the marketing manager who was working with me to help build the vision. Her name was Pat. 

She was much older than me, and she was someone I really respected. She later became almost like a work mom to me (always looking out for me), and that all began when we were getting ready to step off the bus to get to the SeaWorld Renaissance Hotel entrance (where we were staying during the conference).

She leaned over to me and said, “Can I ask you something?” I said, “Sure.” She point blank asked me, “Why are you such an #&@ hole?”  

I said, “Excuse me?!” She then said, “You're just so pompous. You think you are better than everyone else.”  

I was stunned. Again, she was someone I really respected, so I asked her if we could sit down and talk more about it. 

It turned out to be an awakening for me. 

Not only did I realize how I wasn’t showing up the way I thought I was, I was made aware of exactly how other people perceived me showing up. It was hard to swallow, but I took it on as a challenge. 

I made a vow to myself to turn it around completely. To become the person everyone in the company wanted to work for. 

In less than a year, I became that person everyone in the company wanted to work for. 

All the most talented employees working there wanted to be on my team, which made our division even more successful and profitable. 

That one conversation with Pat ended up being a pivotal moment in my life… A real learning opportunity for me. 

Don’t push those opportunities away. Embrace them. You never know what lessons you can learn from them, that could change your life forever. 

Speaking too of opportunity lost… 

Don’t discount the “Intrapreneur”. 

Just because someone wasn’t good at being an Entrepreneur, or may not want the responsibility of going it alone, or prefers to work with a team, doesn't mean they wouldn’t make one of the best people you could ever have on your team. 

When I worked in corporate America (and looking back now), I was definitely an Intrapreneur. I treated that company as if it was my own. I operated and made decisions “as if'' it was my own company. 

This ultimately empowered me to make better business decisions. 

I always look for people with those qualities, as they become invaluable assets within my team and culture.  

In many cases, they are incredible drivers that propel the business forward exponentially. 

Hiring and retaining high-performing teams is a skill that has taken me decades to perfect. I hope these tips are as helpful to you as they have been for me in building a high-performing team of “A” players.

P.S. As you learned from this newsletter, recruitment and Hiring is the #1 Entrepreneurial Blind Spot which is why most avoid it like the plague… 

Let’s face it, the entire process can be utterly frustrating & time consuming, AND often results in attracting and hiring the WRONG talent for your team and/or business. 

But what if ALL the heavy-lifting was done for you, and you were only handed the highest qualified candidates that checked every box you were looking for? 

Direct message me with “Help me hire” to see if Nitrogen Hiring Network™ could be your talent recruitment solution

To your success, 


active campaign certified

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Five Steps To Success In Forex Trading

Another thing you may want to consider is the background of the forex broker. You will have to make real time super fast sense of one and five minute charts. Based on the account, the amount of money that you can borrow from the broker and use varies. Of course the first thing you need to know when it comes to finding your Swiss broker is your method of communication. If you feel that the Pound is going up in relation to the Yen then you would buy or go long

Always a bull market: A trade in the FOREX market involves selling or buying one currency against another. You will never know how good they are until you have tested their systems long enough. I thought all the system developers were honest and their systems were foolproof

Many factors determine the rise or fall of a stock price. Which of the two is a better option for a trader? The nature of the items being bought and sold between forex trading and stocks trading are different. They will trade for you. One of the main ideas of this strategy is to attack the markets during their off hours when they have settled into a tight predictable range pattern

There are some salient features of forex market and until and unless these are understood one cannot find out the best time to trade the forex market. For Example if you wan to trade in USD/JPY currency pair, best profitable time is 12:00 am to 3:00 pm. But when we talk about certain currency pairs, yes there might be a little difference. Forex market is open for trade 6 days a week, i

nadex trading signals

Hiring A Roofer: The Steps To Success

Hiring A Roofer: The Steps To Success

It's never a good idea to hire a roofer without doing your research first. If you're looking to hire a roofer, there are a few steps you should take to ensure that you make the right decision. Here are the steps to success when hiring a roofer.

Determine Your Needs

Before embarking on your quest for a roofer, it is crucial to ascertain precisely what type of tasks you require. Do you require the installation of a new roof? Are there repairs or maintenance actions that must be taken? Once this information has been ascertained, then it is time to seek out an expert specializing in these types of services. It's important to determine your needs before embarking on any project. Knowing what you need and what you don't need will help you make more informed decisions and save time and money. Before you start, ask yourself: What do I need to get this project done? What resources are available to me? What do I need to succeed? Make a list of all the items you need and prioritize them. This will help keep you focused on what's important and make sure that nothing is forgotten. Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can start researching and making decisions about what resources to use. Do your research and make sure you understand the products and services available. Don't forget to consider your budget when making decisions. Doing so will ensure that you get the best value for your money. Once you have a list of the resources you need, you can start putting together a plan for obtaining them. With a plan in place, you'll be able to move forward with confidence and begin working towards achieving your goals.


 Research Potential Roofers

Are you in the process of researching potential roofers to hire for a project? It's important to take the time to do your research, as the quality and longevity of your roof depend on it. To ensure you are getting the best service and the highest quality materials, here are some steps you should take when researching potential roofers. First, ask for referrals from friends and family who have had work done in the past. Ask them what their experience was like and if they would recommend the roofer. Second, look for reviews online from other customers. This will give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of customer service, quality of materials, and cost. Third, meet with three or more roofers in person to get an estimate and discuss your project further. Ask questions, compare services and costs, and get all your concerns addressed. Lastly, make sure to verify each company’s license and insurance before signing any contracts. Once you've done all this research, you can feel confident in hiring the right roofer for your project.


 Set Up Interviews 

Interviews are an essential part of the hiring process and can give you valuable insights into potential new hires. Setting up interviews is an important step that requires preparation and forethought. To ensure that your interviews go as smoothly as possible, start by deciding who should be involved in the interviewing process. Consider who has the most relevant knowledge and experience to inform the decision. Additionally, decide on the format of the interview. Will it be a traditional one-on-one in-person interview or a virtual one? After that, create a list of interview questions that are tailored to the job and the desired skillset. Finally, send out invitations to potential candidates. Make sure to include all relevant details such as time, date, and location or virtual link. With these steps in place, you'll be ready for a successful interview process.


 Get Estimates

Getting estimates for a project or job can be overwhelming. It's important to know what you need and have an idea of the budget you're working with. It's also helpful to have a list of questions to ask when getting estimates from different companies or contractors. To get the best estimate, start by researching the type of work you need done and the estimated cost. Ask for references from previous customers and read their reviews. Once you have narrowed down your list of potential service providers, reach out and schedule an appointment for an in-person consultation. Be sure to bring your list of questions so that you can get all the information you need. During the meeting, be sure to discuss your budget, timeline, and any special requirements. Make sure to get written estimates from each contractor so that you can compare them side-by-side before making a decision. Taking time to research providers and get accurate estimates can help ensure that you have a successful project.


Check Credentials - Verify that the roofer is licensed, insured, and bonded.

When it comes to hiring a roofer, it is essential to check their credentials before signing a contract. As a homeowner, you need to make sure that the roofer you hire is licensed, insured, and bonded. An unlicensed contractor can put your home and finances at risk, so you need to take the time to do your due diligence. Start by researching the contractor online and checking for any customer reviews or complaints. You can also contact your local licensing board to ensure that the contractor has all the required licenses. Additionally, you should ask for proof that the contractor carries insurance and a surety bond. These documents will protect both you and the contractor if something goes wrong during the project. Don't be afraid to ask questions and negotiate on specific terms of the contract. In the end, verifying credentials will save you from potential problems in the future.


Sign a Contract - Once you have chosen a roofer

Once you have chosen a roofer, signing a contract is a key step in the process. It is important to ensure that both parties understand the terms of the contract and the work that will be done. The contract should include the scope of work, payment terms, timeline, and any other relevant details. Make sure to read the document carefully before signing and ask questions about anything that you don’t understand. You should also make sure that you receive a copy of the signed contract for your records. It is important to ensure that everything is clearly laid out so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. If any changes or extra work needs to be done, make sure to have it put in writing and signed by both parties. Signing a contract is an important step in protecting both parties throughout the roofing process.

Monitor Progress 

When it comes to hiring a roofer to work on your home, it is important to monitor the progress of the project. Meet with the roofer periodically throughout the project to ensure that everything is on track and the job is being completed in a timely manner. This will allow you to be aware of any potential problems or delays that may arise before they become an issue. By meeting with the roofer, you will be able to better assess the quality of their work, as well as their communication and customer service skills. Furthermore, you can provide feedback and ask questions about any changes or concerns you may have. Having regular meetings with your roofer will also help keep them accountable and motivated to complete the job in a satisfactory manner. It is important to remain professional during these meetings and always provide constructive feedback rather than criticism. Doing so will help ensure that your project is completed on time and without any issues.

commercial roofing Hopkins

Monday, February 20, 2023

Starting a business online is made DEAD simple by MarketingBlocks

Getting overwhelmed by the many things you have to do to kickstart your online business?

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Starting a business online is made DEAD simple by MarketingBlocks

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No need to spend money outsourcing projects to freelancers… Forget about deadline delays & excuses from freelancers.

If you’re ready to build an online business & get results fast, then hurry up & check out MarketingBlocks now.


We are giving away free copies & there’s a chance you could be 1 of the winners.

Tips On Hiring Mechanics At Your Auto Repair Shop

The next thing you can do is to gather the tools that you need. I have told the story of their failure several times to many people and it's only been one week. One benefit of a precise computerized estimate for your automobile is the guarantee that it will be accurate. In other cases, you may be able to wait a bit longer

Generally, people only store a business' information in their address books if they are satisfied with the provider's service and wish to engage in repeat business. The certification they have will put you at ease knowing that the repairs that are being carried out are being done correctly and efficiently. With preventive car maintenance within reach, you are likely to spend less on major car repairs. Are you satisfied with your car maintenance or with mechanic who is repairing your vehicle? If no, here is a Top 10 of Auto service and Repair Companies in the Albuquerque, NM area

The way to test this is to turn the key partially so that the radio and dashboard lights come on. In some cases, the problem lies with the battery, but you dont need a new one as long as you clean the one you have. Whether you know a little or a lot about auto repair, there will come a time when you have to enlist the services of a mechanic. For the above reasons and a multitude of others, your vehicle is misdiagnosed more often than not

Listening to your customers is one of the most important things that you can do to improve customer service. In the first few years of business the business must keep 80% of income to sustain itself and grow. When a customer comes into your shop with a car problem, take the time to listen to them

With a clear communication between customer and mechanical technician, you can have the best diagnosis, maintenance, and repair service for your vehicle. With quick repairs and an accurate diagnosis, customers can get vehicle services such as engine tune-ups, brake repair, heating and cooling service, transmission repair, exhaust system service and more. Of course, while some of these are truly specialized at domestic car repair, a few are just ordinary car repair shops which decide to use a catchy 'tagline' to market themselves

If you see someone, check if they already exist. First see if the staff is exactly what you need. To assess which type of automotive replacement part will be the best for your repair, consult with the mechanic after initial inspection

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Unlock the Power of AI Writing with Our Free ChatGPT Prompt Guide and Training

Are you an aspiring writer, but struggling to come up with new ideas or feeling stuck in the writing process? Do you want to streamline your writing process, improve your writing skills and enhance your creativity? Look no further than our free prompt guide and training, designed to help you unlock the power of AI-powered writing with ChatGPT.

Our ChatGPT prompt guide and training is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take their writing to the next level. This free guide and video training cover everything from generating ideas and crafting a detailed outline, to drafting and editing your manuscript with AI assistance. We'll show you how to make the most out of ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model that can help you generate new ideas, create prompts and streamline your writing process.

The best part? Our guide and training are absolutely free! That's right, you don't need to pay a single penny to access this comprehensive resource that can help you transform your writing process with the power of AI.

Our ChatGPT prompt guide and training cover a range of topics that are essential for any aspiring writer, such as idea generation, title creation, manuscript drafting, and writing tips. We'll provide you with step-by-step instructions and actionable advice that you can use to improve your writing skills and take your manuscript to the next level.

So why wait? Sign up for our free ChatGPT prompt guide and training today and start exploring the endless possibilities of AI-powered writing. Don't let writer's block or a lack of creative inspiration hold you back any longer. Let ChatGPT help you unlock your full writing potential and achieve your writing goals.

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Mason Michigan Top Rated Voice & Data Network Cabling Services Provider

Mason Michigan Best Professional Voice and Data Cabling Services.

US Cabling Pros supplies superior quality inside wiring contracting for IT data network and voice systems throughout the entire Mason Michigan region. We supply superior onsite IT data cabling services from the top down, whether you require new structured cabling installed, or present cabling evaluated as well as fixed, we have a solution for you. Our on site voice and data cabling specialists are extremely experienced, tech industry accredited pros that have and provide the skills, understanding, tools and the materials to resolve any kind of IT data network or voice cabling service need that you could have. Additionally, we supply top notch support for PBX (Private Branch Exchange) and VoIP (Voice Over IP) telecom systems as well as associated telecom inside wiring solutions, whether you only have a couple of phones or hundreds of physical extensions. Why wait? Feel free to give us a call now for a NO COST low voltage inside wiring project pricing estimate -(859) 780-3061.

We Offer High Quality High Speed Data Networks Structured Cabling, Telecom Voice Cabling and Low Voltage Inside Wiring Services Throughout Mason Michigan.

Each of our knowledgeable on site cabling professionals in Mason are field tested broadband data network and telecommunications service technicians with a broad array of industry accreditations and field engineering experience, in a wide range of places doing information systems networking as well as telephone services. Our voice and IT data technicians are highly trained and ready to take on any type of network job that you may need from straightforward scope data and telephone jack repair services to informative network surveys and supplying expert structured cabling solutions for hundreds of telecom voice and data network drops in existing or brand-new office environments. Every one of our registered cabling and networking technicians are background checked and totally vetted to provide only the highest quality onsite solutions offered in Mason and any of the bordering locations. Whatever your low voltage inside wiring demands are, we have an onsite engineer and onsite solution for you. We provide high quality onsite repair services for your existing local area network/wide area network as well, including recabling, testing, certifying, cabling cleanup, and telecom tag and locate services. Reach out and give our office a telephone call today and discover why many Mason companies and general contractors count on our expert Onsite structured cabling solutions to address all their network cabling needs -(859) 780-3061.

Our Mason Michigan Low Voltage Inside Wiring, Structured Voice and Data Cabling Solutions:

  • In Wall, In Ceiling, Conduit and Cabling Installation Services
  • Professional On-Site Point of Sale POS Voice and Data Cabling Contractors in Mason
  • Voice and Data Jack, Punches, Cross Connects and 66 Block Repairs
  • Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 Cabling Solutions Throughout Mason Michigan
  • Complete Voice and Data Inside Wiring Services in Mason Michigan
  • Telecom Tag and Locate Services
  • Superior On Site Hospitality Point of Sale POS Voice and Data Cabling Contractors in Mason
  • Network Infrastructure Installation: Rack, Patch Panel, Switch and Router
  • B2B Voice and Data Cabling Services for SMB, Point of Sale, Retail POS
  • Onsite Local Area Network Site Surveys, Topology, Reporting and Heat Mapping Services
  • Top quality Concealed Cabling Contractors
  • Network Cleanup, Wire Management Solutions
  • Test, Tone, ANAC ID and Structured Cable Labelling, Inventory and Infrastructure Organization Services
  • Coaxial Cabling for High Speed Internet and CCTV Installations
  • Mason DMARC and T-1 Extension Cabling Providers
  • Network Voice and Data Configuration Contractors
  • Pro On Site Retail POS Point of Sale Voice and Data Cabling Services
  • Mason Network and Telecom Setup and Repair Services
  • Voice and Data Network Structured Cabling and Hardware Testing and Repair Contractors
  • Existing Facilities Cabling Diagnostics, Mapping, Repair, and Certification Solutions
  • Telecom Voice Structured Cabling for PBX and VoIP Telephone Systems
  • Mason PBX and VoIP Installation Solutions
  • Pro Onsite Low Voltage Cabling Providers
  • Mason Network Data Cabling Installation, Diagnosis and Repair Providers
  • Top Choice Voice and Data Network White Label Smart Hands Providers for MSP's With Client Sites in Mason Michigan

Professional Low Voltage Inside Wiring, and Voice and Data Network Cabling Specialists.

Starting in 2008, US Cabling Pros has been proudly offering high quality on-site network and voice and IT data low voltage inside wiring services to local Mason businesses and also to Mason residents. Our high quality solutions have been utilized in a wide array of various sectors like medical, residential, hospitality, industrial, retail and government, and by a wide range of satisfied clients including general contractors, electrical contractors, 3rd party technology solutions vendors, area managers and small business owners that merely require skilled cabling contractors to install new cabling or repair existing voice and data facility wiring on an ad hoc basis, or for large projects. Our ad hoc T&M solution is as straightforward as a telephone call to our office to have a cabling specialist on-site for you to provide service for any kind of high speed data network or telecom cabling task you might need. Feel free to give us a call right now to discuss your existing network issues as well as any future network requirements to ensure that we can produce a tailored inside wiring solution for you and your Mason Michigan service -(859) 780-3061.

Professional Network and Voice and Data Cabling in Mason

US Cabling Pros of Mason
Mason, Michigan 48854
(859) 780-3061

Looking for additional high quality onsite technology Services in addition to our network voice and data cabling? Get in touch with our trusted technology partner services:

Friday, February 17, 2023

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mini-Sessions Can A Increase A Photographer's Income

You don't want to go exposing newborn eyes to bright flash bulbs, so try and take photos in conditions that are naturally bright when photographing newborns. Rather than having a photographer accompanying you, it is better as well as cheaper to go ahead with the plans for a locally established photographer. Be sure to consider the angles at which you take your shots

Both parties benefit in some way from entering into a licensing agreement. If in a park, two siblings might sit on a low hanging branch of a tree or all could sit on the lawn clustered together. The quality of institutes can be determined by the qualified staff and the courses they are offering. When you upload a RAW image to your computer, you will have to convert it in an image retouching program to be readable by the computer. JPEG will compress the image more,

This day brings havoc change in the life of every individual. But you need to decide which the best wedding photographer in Maui is. These LCD screens allow the photographer to view the scene by twisting / turning the LCD screen and keeping the camera almost or touching the ground/floor. Go for the silver or white. Good to 12 feet underwater, they have cases for very nearly everything

Small compact yet powerful. Clarify how you are going to be receiving these pictures, whether you are going to get something in print or whether they will be emailed to you, the number of photos, the resolution, and the format. If your baby needs to eat, feed them. Your photographer should understand this and have the utmost respect for yours, and most importantly your baby's comfort. Gets hair and garments whipping around

Ahh, the bowl of fruit. If you have a truly spectacular sky, it doesn't make sense to fill a third of the picture with empty blackness. Often more artistic than photographic, it will test your composition, lighting and editing skills to come up with believable artificial realities. When posing you should always keep good posture unless the photographer instructs you to do otherwise. The portrait photographers Cheltenham can give you the best type of art with the photography of couple's expressions, imaginative type of photos and much more creativity in the best manner

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Blogging For A Living

Blogging Tips For Beginners: What Are The Best Blogging Sites To Use? It's all very well deciding to start a blog but often the trickiest bit can be deciding how and where to publish your blog especially if you're a complete "newbie" to blogging. It can be done and your site will be better for taking that first step while site visitors gain valuable information that you either direct or select. So what are the best blogging sites for you to use to get started? However, it is important to remember that free blogging sites make their money from advertisers who pay to promote their products or services on their sites. Obviously, many domain names have already been bought, leaving you less choice on what to name your site. After you have your niche in mind, it's time to start getting the elements of your website together

Be loyal to your readers: Readers are more intelligent then you, if you don't follow this rule then you will not get what you want. It should also be written with an eye for headlines, white space, lists, and other sales copy techniques that make it easy for someone visiting to briefly scan your copy and to pick up the most salient points about your products and services. Or try showing them on video: sure, a video on how to set up a WordPress blog on your website is easier to follow than written instructions, but you can explain how to write articles easier using the written word than its spoken equivalent - on an MP3 or a video. I suppose you want an example of what I am referring to? OK. Write about what you already know

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Why DO people blog? Because it fills the need to escape anonymity. A blog can be used for business or personal purposes and in most cases can be had for free. Sometimes people don't even know their own neighbors. You can also introduce new products or affiliate links on your blog, giving your users a positive and enthusiastic preview before they see the product

It is fine to have a personal blog where you write about your own personal experiences. Finding something to do on the Internet to make money is a personal choice. However, if you are just starting out, the free blogging services will work just fine until you learn the ropes. It is wise to purchase your own domain name and host your blog with a web hosting provider

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